Welcome to Firapria’s documentation!

Firapria is a lightweight library to get pollution indices for Paris, France. It fetches its data from Airparif, and thus provides you with yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s indices when it can. I developped it for a personal project and thought it might be useful to others, so I wrapped it in a lib, wrote tests and documentation, and here we are!


Install Firapria with pip:

[sudo] pip install firapria

It supports both Python 2.x and 3.x.


The pollution module provides only one function for now:

from firapria.pollution import get_indices

indices = get_indices()

Note: due to the way Airparif generates its data, you’ll get only two indices (for yesterday and today) if you use the function before 11 AM.

Indices types

Airparif gives its indices in two flavors: French and European ones. Firapria gets European indices by default, but you can choose between both.

from firapria import pollution as p

fr_indices = p.get_indices(p.FR)  # e.g. [6, 7, 6]
eu_indices = p.get_indices(p.EU)  # e.g. [64, 80, 65]


Because Airparif doesn’t have any public API, Firapria fetch and parse its website. Indices are not often updated during the day, so you should cache results to preserve Airparif’s bandwidth.